Monday, October 13, 2014

The iPhone 6 Plus "Bendgate" uncut video

After the newest smartphone model was released by Apple, immediate response from the online reviewers and testers flooded the Internet and one of the most controversial as of today is the bend test dubbed as "Bendgate".

The bend test video that went viral was originally uploaded by Lewis Hilsenteger of Unbox Therapy. Because he was accused by doctoring the video and he was tagged as fraudster, he came back and made a latest bend test of iPhone 6 Plus, but this time, in public are with physically-present audience.

This is entitled as "iPhone 6 Plus: The Bend Uncut"

"This one if for the conspiracy theorists that claim I'm a fraud. This phone is more bendable than anything else I'ved tested. If you still don't believe me, pick one of up for yourself. For the record I use Apple products on a daily basis including 12-core Mac Pro that cost me a fortune" Lewis Hilsenteger said.


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